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International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism [Effective]
制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约 [现行有效]
  • Area: Military
  • Category of treaties: Convention
  • The place of signing: New York
  • Signing Date: 09-14-2005

International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism



The States Parties to this Convention, 


Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of good-neighbourliness and friendly relations and cooperation among States, 

Recalling the Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations of 24 October 1995, 回顾1995年10月24日《联合国50周年纪念宣言》,
Recognizing the right of all States to develop and apply nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and their legitimate interests in the potential benefits to be derived from the peaceful application of nuclear energy, 确认所有国家享有为和平目的发展和利用核能的权利及其从和平利用核能获得潜在益处的合法利益,
Bearing in mind the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material of 1980, 铭记1980年《核材料实物保护公约》,
Deeply concerned about the worldwide escalation of acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, 深切关注世界各地一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为不断升级,
Recalling the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism annexed to General Assembly resolution 49/60 of 9 December 1994, in which, inter alia, the States Members of the United Nations solemnly reaffirm their unequivocal condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, wherever and by whomever committed, including those which jeopardize the friendly relations among States and peoples and threaten the territorial integrity and security of States, 回顾大会1994年12月9日第49/60号决议所附《消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言》,其中除其他外,联合国会员国庄严重申毫不含糊地谴责恐怖主义的一切行为、方法和做法,包括那些危害国家间和人民间友好关系及威胁国家领土完整和安全的行为、方法和做法,不 论在何处发生,也不论是何人所为,均为犯罪而不可辩护,
Noting that the Declaration also encouraged States to review urgently the scope of the existing international legal provisions on the prevention, repression and elimination of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, with the aim of ensuring that there is a comprehensive legal framework covering all aspects of the matter, 注意到该《宣言》还鼓励各国紧急审查关于防止、制止和消除一切形式和表现的恐怖主义的现行国际法律规定的范围,以期确保有一个涵盖这个问题的所有方面的全面法律框架,
Recalling General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996 and the Declaration to Supplement the 1994 Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism annexed thereto, 回顾大会1996年12月17日第51/210号决议及其中所附的《补充1994年<消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言>的宣言》,
Recalling also that, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 51/210, an ad hoc committee was established to elaborate, inter alia, an international convention for  the suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism to supplement related existing international instruments, 又回顾已按照大会第51/210号决议设立了一个特设委员会,以期除其他外,拟订一项制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约补充现有的相关国际文书,
Noting that acts of nuclear terrorism may result in the gravest consequences and may pose a threat to international peace and security,Noting also that existing multilateral legal provisions do not adequately address those attacks,Being convinced of the urgent need to enhance international cooperation between States in devising and adopting effective and practical measures for the prevention of such acts of terrorism and for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators,Noting that the activities of military forces of States are governed by rules of international law outside of the framework of this Convention and that the exclusion of certain actions from the coverage of this Convention does not condone or make lawful otherwise unlawful acts, or preclude prosecution under other laws, 注意到核恐怖主义行为可能带来最严重的后果并可能对国际和平与安全构成威胁,又注意到现有多边法律规定不足以处理这些袭击,深信迫切需要在各国之间加强国际合作,制定和采取有效和切实的措施,以防止这种恐怖主义行为,并起诉和惩罚行为人,注意到国家军事部队的活动由本公约框架以外的国际法规则规定,某些行动被排除在本公约适用范围之外并非是容许不合法行为或使不合法行为合法化,或禁止根据其他法律提出起诉,议定如下:
Article 1 


For the purposes of this Convention: 为本公约的目的:
1.“Radioactive material” means nuclear material and other radioactive substances which contain nuclides which undergo spontaneous disintegration (a process accompanied by emission of one or more types of ionizing radiation, such as alpha-, beta-, neutron particles and gamma rays) and which may, owing to their radiological or fissile properties, cause death, serious bodily injury or substantial damage to property or to the environment. 一、“放射性材料”是指核材料和其他含有可自发蜕变(一个伴随有放射一种或多种致电离射线,如α粒子、β粒子、中子和γ射线的过程)核素的放射性物质,此种材料和物质,由于其放射或可裂变性质,可能致使死亡、人体受到严重伤害或财产或环境受到重大损害。
2.“Nuclear material” means plutonium, except that with isotopic concentration exceeding 80 per cent in plutonium-238; uranium-233; uranium enriched in the isotope 235 or 233; uranium containing the mixture of isotopes as occurring in nature other than in the form of ore or ore residue; or any material containing one or more of the foregoing;Whereby “uranium enriched in the isotope 235 or 233” means uranium containing the isotope 235 or 233 or both in an amount such that the abundanceratio of the sum of these isotopes to the isotope 238 is greater than the ratio of the isotope 235 to the isotope 238 occurring in nature. 二、“核材料”是指钚,但钚-238同位素含量超过80%者除外;铀-233;富集了同位素235或233的铀;非矿石或矿渣形式的铀,其中同位素的比例与自然界存在的天然铀同位素混合的比例相同;或任何含有一种或多种上述物质的材料;
3.“Nuclear facility” means: 三、“核设施”是指:
(a)Any nuclear reactor, including reactors installed on vessels, vehicles, aircraft or space objects for use as an energy source in order to propel such vessels, vehicles, aircraft or space objects or for any other purpose; ㈠任何核反应堆,包括装在船舶、车辆、飞行器或航天物体上,用作推动这种船舶、车辆、飞行器或航天物体的能源以及用于其他任何目的的反应堆;
(b)Any plant or conveyance being used for the production, storage, processing or transport of radioactive material. ㈡用于生产、储存、加工或运输放射性材料的任何工厂或运输工具。
4.“Device” means: 四、“装置”是指:
(a)Any nuclear explosive device; or ㈠任何核爆炸装置;或
(b)Any radioactive material dispersal or radiation-emitting device which may, owing to its radiological properties, cause death, serious bodily injury or substantial damage to property or to the environment. ㈡任何散布放射性物质或释出辐射的装置,此种装置由于其放射性质,可能致使死亡、人体受到严重伤害或财产或环境受到重大损害。
5.“State or government facility” includes any permanent or temporary facility or conveyance that is used or occupied by representatives of a State, members of a Government, the legislature or the judiciary or by officials or employees of a State or any other public authority or entity or by employees or officials of an intergovernmental organization in connection with their official duties. 五、“国家或政府设施”包括一国代表,政府、立法机关或司法机关成员,或一国或任何其他公共当局或实体的官员或雇员,或一个政府间组织的雇员或官员,因公务使用或占用的任何长期或临时设施或交通工具。
6.“Military forces of a State” means the armed forces of a State which are organized, trained and equipped under its internal law for the primary purpose of national defence or security and persons acting in support of those armed forces  who are under their formal command, control and responsibility. 六、“一国军事部队”是指一国按照其国内法,主要为国防或国家安全目的而组织、训练和装备的武装部队以及在其正式指挥、控制和负责下向其提供支助的人员。
Article 2 


1.Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally: 一、本公约所称的犯罪是指任何人非法和故意:
(a)Possesses radioactive material or makes or possesses a device: ㈠拥有放射性材料或制造或拥有一个装置:
(i)With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or 1.目的是致使死亡或人体受到严重伤害;或
(ii)With the intent to cause substantial damage to property or to the environment; 2.目的是致使财产或环境受到重大损害;
(b)Uses in any way radioactive material or a device, or uses or damages a nuclear facility in a manner which releases or risks the release of radioactive material: ㈡以任何方式利用放射性材料或装置,或以致使放射性材料外泄或有外泄危险的方式利用或破坏核设施;
(i)With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or 1.目的是致使死亡或人体受到严重伤害;或
(ii)With the intent to cause substantial damage to property or to the environment; or 2.目的是致使财产或环境受到重大损害;或
(iii)With the intent to compel a natural or legal person, an international organization or a State to do or refrain from doing an act. 3.目的是迫使某一自然人或法人、某一国际组织或某一国家实施或不实施某一行为。
2.Any person also commits an offence if that person: 二、任何人实施以下行为也构成犯罪:
(a)Threatens, under circumstances which indicate the credibility of the threat, to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 (b) of the present article; or ㈠在显示威胁确实可信的情况下,威胁实施本条第一款第㈡项所述犯罪;或
(b)Demands unlawfully and intentionally radioactive material, a device or a nuclear facility by threat, under circumstances which indicate the credibility of the threat, or by use of force. ㈡在显示威胁确实可信的情况下通过威胁,或使用武力,非法和故意索要放射性材料、装置或核设施。
3.Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article. 三、任何人实施本条第一款所述犯罪未遂也构成犯罪。
4.Any person also commits an offence if that person: 四、任何人实施以下行为也构成犯罪:
(a)Participates as an accomplice in an offence as set forth in paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of the present article; or ㈠以共犯身份参加本条第一、第二或第三款所述犯罪;或
(b)Organizes or directs others to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of the present article; or ㈡组织或指使他人实施本条第一、第二或第三款所述犯罪;或
(c)In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences  as set forth in paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of the present article by a group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or offences concerned. ㈢以任何其他方式促进以共同目的行动的群体实施本条第一、第二或第三款所述犯罪;促进行动应当为故意的,并且是为了助长该群体的一般犯罪活动或目的,或明知该群体有意实施有关犯罪。
Article 3 


This Convention shall not apply where the offence is committed within a single State, the alleged offender and the victims are nationals of that State, the alleged offender is found in the territory of that State and no other State has a basis under article 9, paragraph 1 or 2, to exercise jurisdiction, except that the provisions  of articles 7, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 shall, as appropriate, apply in those cases. 本公约不适用于犯罪仅在一国境内实施、被指控罪犯和被害人均为该国国民、被指控罪犯在该国境内被发现,而且没有其他国家具有根据第九条第一或第二款行使管辖权的基础的情况,但第七条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条、第十六条和第十七条的规定应酌情适用于这些情况。
Article 4 


1.Nothing in this Convention shall affect other rights, obligations and responsibilities of States and individuals under international law, in particular the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international humanitarian law. 一、本公约的任何条款均不影响国际法特别是《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际人道主义法规定的其他国家和个人的权利、义务和责任。
2.The activities of armed forces during an armed conflict, as those terms are understood under international humanitarian law, which are governed by that law are not governed by this Convention, and the activities undertaken by military forces of a State in the exercise of their official duties, inasmuch as they are governed by other rules of international law, are not governed by this Convention. 二、武装冲突中武装部队的活动,按照国际人道主义法所理解的意义,由国际人道主义法予以规定,不受本公约管辖;一国军事部队为执行公务而进行的活动,由国际法其他规则予以规定,因此不受本公约管辖。
3.The provisions of paragraph 2 of the present article shall not be interpreted as condoning or making lawful otherwise unlawful acts, or precluding prosecution under other laws. 三、本条第二款的规定不得被解释为容许不合法行为或使不合法行为合法化,或禁止根据其他法律提出起诉。
4.This Convention does not address, nor can it be interpreted as addressing, in any way, the issue of the legality of the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons by States. 四、本公约不以任何方式涉及,也不能被解释为以任何方式涉及国家使用核武器或威胁使用核武器的合法性问题。
Article 5 


Each State Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary: 每一缔约国应酌情采取必要措施:
(a)To establish as criminal offences under its national law the offences set forth in article 2; ㈠在其国内法中将第二条所述犯罪定为刑事犯罪;
(b)To make those offences punishable by appropriate penalties which take into account the grave nature of these offences. ㈡根据这些犯罪的严重性质规定适当的刑罚。
Article 6 


Each State Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary, including, where appropriate, domestic legislation, to ensure that criminal acts within the scope of this Convention, in particular where they are intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, are under no circumstances justifiable by considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other similar nature and are punished by penalties consistent with their grave nature. 每一缔约国应酌情采取必要措施,包括在适当时制定国内立法,以确保本公约范围内的犯罪行为,特别是故意或有意使公众、某一群体或特定个人产生恐怖感的犯罪行为,在任何情况下都不得以政治、思想、意识形态、种族、族裔、宗教或其他类似性质的考虑因素为之辩解,并受到与其严重性质相符的刑罚。
Article 7 


1.States Parties shall cooperate by: 一、缔约国应以下列方式进行合作:
(a)Taking all practicable measures, including, if necessary, adapting their national law, to prevent and counter preparations in their respective territories for the commission within or outside their territories of the offences set forth in article 2, including measures to prohibit in their territories illegal activities of persons, groups and organizations that encourage, instigate, organize, knowingly finance or knowingly provide technical assistance or information or engage in the perpetration of those offences;

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