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Regulations on the Administration of Central Grain Reserves [Revised]
中央储备粮管理条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 388)

The Regulations on the Administration of Central Grain Reserves, which were adopted at the 17th executive meeting of the State Council on August 8th 2003, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Premier Wen Jiabao
总理 温家宝

August 15th, 2003

Regulations on the Administration of Central Grain Reserves

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted with a view to strengthening the administration of central grain reserves, securing the true quantity, good quality and safe storage of central grain reserves, protecting the rights and interests of peasants, maintaining market stability, and giving into full play the role of central grain reserves in the national macro-control mechanism.   第一条 为了加强对中央储备粮的管理,保证中央储备粮数量真实、质量良好和储存安全,保护农民利益,维护粮食市场稳定,有效发挥中央储备粮在国家宏观调控中的作用,制定本条例。

Article 2 The central grain reserves as mentioned in the present Regulations refer to the grain and edible oil that are reserved by the Central Government for such purposes as regulating the aggregate supply and demand of grain nationwide, stabilizing the grain market, and preparing against serious natural disasters or other emergencies.   第二条 本条例所称中央储备粮,是指中央政府储备的用于调节全国粮食供求总量,稳定粮食市场,以及应对重大自然灾害或者其他突发事件等情况的粮食和食用油。

Article 3 The organizations and individuals engaging or participating in the operation, management or supervision of central grain reserves shall observe the present Regulations.   第三条 从事和参与中央储备粮经营管理、监督活动的单位和个人,必须遵守本条例。

Article 4 The state shall apply a vertical administration system to central grain reserves. The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall afford support and assistance to the vertical administration of central grain reserves.   第四条 国家实行中央储备粮垂直管理体制,地方各级人民政府及有关部门应当对中央储备粮的垂直管理给予支持和协助。

Article 5 Strict rules, tightened administration and clearly defined responsibilities shall be applied to the administration of central grain reserves, so as to ensure the true quantity, good quality, safe storage, effective supply, sound management, smooth deployment & use, and lowered cost & expenses of such reserves.   第五条 中央储备粮的管理应当严格制度、严格管理、严格责任,确保中央储备粮数量真实、质量良好和储存安全,确保中央储备粮储得进、管得好、调得动、用得上并节约成本、费用。

No organization or individual may use central grain reserves without the approval of the State Council.

Article 6 The development and reform department under the State Council and the grain administration department of the state shall, in conjunction with the finance department under the State Council, be in charge of formulating the macro-control opinions on the total scale and overall distribution & use of central grain reserves, and guiding and coordinating the management of such reserves. The grain administration department of the state shall take charge of the administration of central grain reserves as well as the supervision and inspections over the quantity, quality and storage safety of such reserves.   第六条 国务院发展改革部门及国家粮食行政管理部门会同国务院财政部门负责拟订中央储备粮规模总量、总体布局和动用的宏观调控意见,对中央储备粮管理进行指导和协调;国家粮食行政管理部门负责中央储备粮的行政管理,对中央储备粮的数量、质量和储存安全实施监督检查。

Article 7 The finance department under the State Council shall be in charge of arranging financial subsidies for loan interest and management cost of central gain reserves, ensuring timely and sufficient funding of such subsidies, and conducting supervision and inspections over the relevant financial execution for central grain reserves.   第七条 国务院财政部门负责安排中央储备粮的贷款利息、管理费用等财政补贴,并保证及时、足额拨付;负责对中央储备粮有关财务执行情况实施监督检查。

Article 8 The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall take charge of the specific operation and management of central grain reserves, and be responsible for the quantity, quality and storage safety of such reserves.   第八条 中国储备粮管理总公司具体负责中央储备粮的经营管理,并对中央储备粮的数量、质量和储存安全负责。

The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall establish and improve various management systems in accordance with the relevant regulations, administrative rules, national standards and technical norms, and submit them to the grain administration department of the state for the record.

Article 9 The China Agriculture Development Bank shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, arrange for timely and sufficient funding of loans as needed for central grain reserves, and exercise credit supervision over the loans granted for such reserves.   第九条 中国农业发展银行负责按照国家有关规定,及时、足额安排中央储备粮所需贷款,并对发放的中央储备粮贷款实施信贷监管。

Article 10 No organization or individual may fraudulently obtain, misappropriate, retain or unwarrantedly divert the loans for central grain reserves or the financial subsidies for loan interest, management cost, etc. of such reserves.   第十条 任何单位和个人不得以任何方式骗取、挤占、截留、挪用中央储备粮贷款或者贷款利息、管理费用等财政补贴。

Article 11 No organization or individual may destroy the warehousing facilities for central grain reserves, or steal, encroach upon or do damage to central grain reserves.   第十一条 任何单位和个人不得破坏中央储备粮的仓储设施,不得偷盗、哄抢或者损毁中央储备粮。

The people's governments in the localities where central grain reserves are stored shall direct the relevant departments in good time to stop, investigate and punish such illicit acts as destroying the warehousing facilities for central grain reserves, or stealing, encroaching upon or doing damage to central grain reserves.

Article 12 Every organization or individual shall be entitled to file accusations to the relevant departments against any illegal acts during the operation and management of central grain reserves. Upon receiving the accusations, the relevant departments e.g. the grain administration department of the state shall conduct investigation and give punishment in case of need, or hand over the cases to other competent departments within whose scope of functions the handling of such cases falls.   第十二条 任何单位和个人对中央储备粮经营管理中的违法行为,均有权向国家粮食行政管理部门等有关部门举报。国家粮食行政管理部门等有关部门接到举报后,应当及时查处;举报事项的处理属于其他部门职责范围的,应当及时移送其他部门处理。

Chapter II Planning for Central Grain Reserves 

第二章 中央储备粮的计划

Article 13 The development and reform department under the State Council and the grain administration department of the state, jointly with the finance department under the State Council, should, in light of the macro-control needs and financial capacity of the state, propose a program on the storage scale, types and overall distribution of central grain reserves, which is subject to the approval of the State Council.   第十三条 中央储备粮的储存规模、品种和总体布局方案,由国务院发展改革部门及国家粮食行政管理部门会同国务院财政部门,根据国家宏观调控需要和财政承受能力提出,报国务院批准。

Article 14 The grain administration department of the state should, in light of the program on the storage scale, types and overall distribution of central grain reserves approved by the State Council, propose a purchase & sales plan for central grain reserves. After being examined and approved by the development and reform department and the finance department under the State Council, the plan should be issued to the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation jointly by the development and reform department under the State Council, the grain administration department of the state, the finance department under the State Council and the China Agriculture Development Bank.   第十四条 中央储备粮的收购、销售计划,由国家粮食行政管理部门根据国务院批准的中央储备粮储存规模、品种和总体布局方案提出建议,经国务院发展改革部门、国务院财政部门审核同意后,由国务院发展改革部门及国家粮食行政管理部门会同国务院财政部门和中国农业发展银行共同下达中国储备粮管理总公司。

Article 15 The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall, in accordance with the purchase & sales plan for central grain reserves, arrange for and implement the purchase and sales of central grain reserves.   第十五条 中国储备粮管理总公司根据中央储备粮的收购、销售计划,具体组织实施中央储备粮的收购、销售。

Article 16 A balanced rotation system shall be applied to central grain reserves, with the annual rotated amount being controlled at 20%~30% of the total stored amount of such reserves.   第十六条 中央储备粮实行均衡轮换制度,每年轮换的数量一般为中央储备粮储存总量的20%至30%。

The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall, in light of the quality conditions and the years for storage, propose the amount, types and by-region program for annual rotation of central grain reserves, and submit it for approval to the grain administration department of the state, the finance department under the State Council and the China Agriculture Development Bank. The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall, within the framework of the annual rotation plan, arrange for and implement the specific rotation of central grain reserves, in light of the supply and demand conditions on the grain market.

Article 17 The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall submit in good time a report for the record on the implementation of the purchase & sales and annual rotation plan for central grain reserves to the development and reform department under the State Council, the grain administration department of the state and the finance department under the State Council, and send a copy thereof to the China Agriculture Development Bank.   第十七条 中国储备粮管理总公司应当将中央储备粮收购、销售、年度轮换计划的具体执行情况,及时报国务院发展改革部门、国家粮食行政管理部门和国务院财政部门备案,并抄送中国农业发展银行。

Chapter III Storage of Central Grain Reserves 

第三章 中央储备粮的储存

Article 18 The enterprises directly under the control of the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall specialize in the storage of central grain reserves.   第十八条 中国储备粮管理总公司直属企业为专门储存中央储备粮的企业。

The storage of central grain reserve may be entrusted to other competent enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the present Regulations.

Article 19 An enterprise entrusted with the storage of central grain reserve shall meet the following conditions:   第十九条 代储中央储备粮的企业,应当具备下列条件:

(1) having a warehousing capacity reaching the scale prescribed by the state and warehouse conditions up to the national standard and technical norms; (一)仓库容量达到国家规定的规模,仓库条件符合国家标准和技术规范的要求;

(2) having warehousing equipment that can fit in with the grain storage functions, warehouse models, entry & release modes, types and storage cycles of grain, etc; (二)具有与粮食储存功能、仓型、进出粮方式、粮食品种、储粮周期等相适应的仓储设备;

(3) having instruments and site(s) which are up to the national standard for measuring quality grade of central grain reserve, and the conditions for measuring temperature, moisture and pest density in warehouses during the storage of central grain reserve; (三)具有符合国家标准的中央储备粮质量等级检测仪器和场所,具备检测中央储备粮储存期间仓库内温度、水分、害虫密度的条件;

(4) Having the management staff specialized in the storage, inspection, prevention & control, etc. of grain, who have received professional trainings and obtained the certificates issued by the competent administrative department(s); (四)具有经过专业培训,并取得有关主管部门颁发的资格证书的粮食保管、检验、防治等管理技术人员;

(5) Having sound management and good credit standing, and showing no record of serious irregularity during its operation. (五)经营管理和信誉良好,并无严重违法经营记录。

The selection of enterprises to be entrusted with the storage of central grain reserves shall facilitate the rational distribution, unified administration & supervision and reduced cost & expenses of central grain reserves.

Article 20 Enterprises that meet the conditions for entrusted storage as prescribed in Article 19 of the present Regulations may, upon the examination and approval of the grain administration department of the state, obtain the qualification for entrusted storage of central grain reserves.   第二十条 具备本条例第十九条规定代储条件的企业,经国家粮食行政管理部门审核同意,取得代储中央储备粮的资格。

The grain administration department of the state, jointly with the finance department under the State Council shall, after consulting opinions of the China Agriculture Development Bank and the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation, formulate the qualification recognition measures for enterprises to be entrusted with the storage of central grain reserves.

Article 21 The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall be in charge of selecting the most competent enterprises to undertake the storage of central grain reserves from those that have obtained the qualification for such storage, in accordance with the overall distribution program, and make a report thereon to submit for the record to the grain administration department of the state, the finance department under the State Council and the China Agriculture Development Bank and send a copy thereof to the local grain administration department.   第二十一条 中国储备粮管理总公司负责从取得代储中央储备粮资格的企业中,根据中央储备粮的总体布局方案择优选定中央储备粮代储企业,报国家粮食行政管理部门、国务院财政部门和中国农业发展银行备案,并抄送当地粮食行政管理部门。

The China Grain Reserve Management Corporation shall sign contracts with the enterprises entrusted with the storage of central grain reserves, which will specify such matters as the rights, obligations and liabilities for breach of contract, of both parties.

The enterprises entrusted with the storage of central grain reserves may not operate the rotation business of central grain reserves and other businesses together.

Article 22 The enterprises directly under the control of China Grain Reserve Management Corporation and the enterprises entrusted with the storage of central grain reserve (hereinafter jointly referred to the storage enterprises) shall, when storing central grain reserves, strictly implement the regulations, administrative rules, national standards and technical norms of the state concerning the administration of central grain reserves, and the various management rules formulated by the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation in accordance with the relevant regulations, administrative rules, national standards and technical norms.   第二十二条 中国储备粮管理总公司直属企业、中央储备粮代储企业(以下统称承储企业)储存中央储备粮,应当严格执行国家有关中央储备粮管理的行政法规、规章、国家标准和技术规范,以及中国储备粮管理总公司依照有关行政法规、规章、国家标准和技术规范制定的各项业务管理制度。

Article 23 The storage enterprises shall ensure that central grain reserves received by the warehouse(s) reach the quality grade set forth in the purchase and rotation plan and conform to the quality standard prescribed by the state.
   第二十三条 承储企业必须保证入库的中央储备粮达到收购、轮换计划规定的质量等级,并符合国家规定的质量标准。

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