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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Filing and Conclusion of Enforcement Cases [Effective]
最高人民法院印发《关于执行案件立案、结案若干问题的意见》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Filing and Conclusion of Enforcement Cases 


(No. 26 [2014] of the Supreme People's Court) (法发〔2014〕26号)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the PLA; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院,解放军军事法院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院:
To unify the standards for the filing and conclusion of enforcement cases, and regulate enforcement acts, the Supreme People's Court has formulated the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Filing and Conclusion of Enforcement Cases, which are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. You shall strengthen the administration of the filing and conclusion of enforcement cases by establishing and improving the practical, full-featured, scientific and effective case administration systems used uniformly by courts at three levels within your respective jurisdictions. These Opinions shall come into force on January 1, 2015, and the enforcement bureaus shall communicate with case-filing tribunals in a timely manner, and effectively conduct the transition work concerning enforcement case filing and conclusion in old and new years, so as to ensure the comprehensive implementation of the case filing and conclusion standards as prescribed in these Opinions. 为统一执行案件立案、结案标准,规范执行行为,最高人民法院制定了《关于执行案件立案、结案若干问题的意见》,现予以印发。请遵照执行,并通过建立、健全辖区三级法院统一使用、切合实际、功能完备、科学有效的案件管理系统,加强对执行案件立、结案工作的管理。该意见自2015年1月1日起施行,执行局要及时与立案庭进行沟通,做好新、旧年度执行案件立案、结案的衔接工作,确保该意见规定的立、结案标准得到全面实施。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
December 17, 2014 2014年12月17日
Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Filing and Conclusion of Enforcement Cases 最高人民法院关于执行案件立案、结案若干问题的意见
To unify the standards for the filing and conclusion of enforcement cases, and regulate enforcement acts, these Opinions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and judicial interpretations, and in light of the actual circumstances of enforcement by the people's courts. 为统一执行案件立案、结案标准,规范执行行为,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律、司法解释的规定,结合人民法院执行工作实际,制定本意见。
Article 1 For the purpose of these Opinions, “enforcement cases” include enforcement implementation cases and enforcement examination cases.   第一条 本意见所称执行案件包括执行实施类案件和执行审查类案件。
“Enforcement implementation cases” means the cases in which the people's courts, upon the applications of enforcement applicants, judicial organs' transfer, acceptance of entrustment, enforcement by a court at a higher level by designation or according to their functions, enforce the matters as determined in the legal instruments which have come into force and bear the enforceable contents. 执行实施类案件是指人民法院因申请执行人申请、审判机构移送、受托、提级、指定和依职权,对已发生法律效力且具有可强制执行内容的法律文书所确定的事项予以执行的案件。
“Enforcement examination cases” means the cases in which the people's courts examine and handle such matters asenforcement objections, reconsiderations, petitions, requests for instruction, coordination anddecisions on the transfer of enforcement jurisdiction in the process of enforcement. 执行审查类案件是指在执行过程中,人民法院审查和处理执行异议、复议、申诉、请示、协调以及决定执行管辖权的移转等事项的案件。
Article 2 Enforcement cases shall be filed upon examination in a uniform manner bycase-filing authorities of the people's courts. Where the people's tribunals are authorized to enforce self-examination cases, they may file the cases upon examination by themselves. Where the cases may be transferred for enforcement as provided by laws or judicial interpretations, the relevant judicial organs may transfer the cases to case-filing authorities to undergo the case-filing registration formalities.   第二条 执行案件统一由人民法院立案机构进行审查立案,人民法庭经授权执行自审案件的,可以自行审查立案,法律、司法解释规定可以移送执行的,相关审判机构可以移送立案机构办理立案登记手续。
After filing a case, a case-filing authority shall issue to the applicant aNotice of Enforcement Case Acceptance in accordance with the provisions of laws and judicial interpretations. 立案机构立案后,应当依照法律、司法解释的规定向申请人发出执行案件受理通知书。
Article 3 The people's courts shall file the enforcement cases that comply with the case-filing standards as prescribed in laws and judicial interpretations, and include such cases in the unified administration system for the trial and enforcement cases.   第三条 人民法院对符合法律、司法解释规定的立案标准的执行案件,应当予以立案,并纳入审判和执行案件统一管理体系。
A people's court may not have an enforcement case outside the unified administration system for trial and enforcement cases. 人民法院不得有审判和执行案件统一管理体系之外的执行案件。
A case that is not filed may not enter the enforcement process for any reason. 任何案件不得以任何理由未经立案即进入执行程序。
Article 4 When filing a case upon examination, a case-filing authority shall determine the type code character and the case number of the enforcement case in accordance with these Opinions, and may not create a type code character for the case in violation of these Opinions.   第四条 立案机构在审查立案时,应当按照本意见确定执行案件的类型代字和案件编号,不得违反本意见创设案件类型代字。
Article 5 The type code characters of the enforcement implementation cases are “Zhi Zi,” and the case numbers shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately; where property preservation rulings are enforced, the case type code characters are “Zhi Bao Zi,” and the case numbers shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately; where enforcement is resumed, the case type code characters are “Zhi Hui Zi,” and the case numbers shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately.   第五条 执行实施类案件类型代字为“执字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;但执行财产保全裁定的,案件类型代字为“执保字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;恢复执行的,案件类型代字为“执恢字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序。
Article 6 Any of the following cases shall be filed by the people's court as an enforcement resumption case:   第六条 下列案件,人民法院应当按照恢复执行案件予以立案:
(1) An enforcement applicant reaches a reconciliation agreement with the party subject to enforcement as a victim of a fraud or under duress, and applies for resuming the enforcement of the original effective legal instrument. (一)申请执行人因受欺诈、胁迫与被执行人达成和解协议,申请恢复执行原生效法律文书的;
(2) A party to the case does not perform or completely perform theenforcement reconciliation agreement, and the other party applies for resuming the enforcement of the original effective legal instrument. (二)一方当事人不履行或不完全履行执行和解协议,对方当事人申请恢复执行原生效法律文书的;
(3) Where the party subject to enforcement is found having property for enforcement after the conclusion of the enforcement implementation case is reported by rendering a ruling on the termination of the enforcement process, the enforcement applicant applies for resuming enforcement or the people's court resumes enforcement according to its functions. (三)执行实施案件以裁定终结本次执行程序方式报结后,如发现被执行人有财产可供执行,申请执行人申请或者人民法院依职权恢复执行的;
(4) After an enforcement implementation case is concluded due to entrusted enforcement, the entrusted court that has filed the case returns the entrustment truly due to the improperness of the entrustment. (四)执行实施案件因委托执行结案后,确因委托不当被已立案的受托法院退回委托的;
(5) For an enforcement terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 257 of the Civil Procedure Law, the enforcement applicant applies for resuming the enforcement when the conditions for applying for enforcement are present. (五)依照民事诉讼法二百五十七条的规定而终结执行的案件,申请执行的条件具备时,申请执行人申请恢复执行的。
Article 7 A people's court shall not artificially split an enforcement implementation case, except under any of the following circumstances:   第七条 除下列情形外,人民法院不得人为拆分执行实施案件:
(1) Where the payments determined in an effective legal instrument shall be performed by installments, and the party subject to enforcement fails to automatically perform such payments upon theexpiry of each term for performance of debt payment in each installment, the enforcement applicant may apply for enforcement by installment, or apply for enforcement of several or all mature claims. (一)生效法律文书确定的给付内容为分期履行的,各期债务履行期间届满,被执行人未自动履行,申请执行人可分期申请执行,也可以对几期或全部到期债权一并申请执行;
(2) Where an effective legal instrument determines that multiple debtors separately assume clear debts, the enforcement applicant may apply for enforcement respectively for each debtor, or apply for enforcement for several or all debtors. (二)生效法律文书确定有多个债务人各自单独承担明确的债务的,申请执行人可以对每个债务人分别申请执行,也可以对几个或全部债务人一并申请执行;
(3) Where an effective legal instrument determines that multiple creditors respectively enjoy explicit claims (including jointly enjoying claims by shares), each creditor may separately apply for enforcement. (三)生效法律文书确定有多个债权人各自享有明确的债权的(包括按份共有),每个债权人可以分别申请执行;
(4) Where pecuniary payments are involved in a case of application for enforcement of payment of parent support, child support or alimony, the people's court shall file a case upon examination according to the amount of the claims that have occurred during the application for enforcement, and an separate application shall be filed for enforcing the claims that newly occur in the process of enforcement. Where personal right is involved, the people's court shall file a case upon examination according to the fact that the obligor fails to perform obligations during the application for enforcement. Where the obligator continues its negative behavior in the process of enforcement, the enforcement shall be conducted according to the application of the enforcement applicant. (四)申请执行赡养费、扶养费、抚养费的案件,涉及金钱给付内容的,人民法院应当根据申请执行时已发生的债权数额进行审查立案,执行过程中新发生的债权应当另行申请执行;涉及人身权内容的,人民法院应当根据申请执行时义务人未履行义务的事实进行审查立案,执行过程中义务人延续消极行为的,应当依据申请执行人的申请一并执行。
Article 8 The type code characters and the case numbers of the enforcement examination cases shall be determined according to the following rules:   第八条 执行审查类案件按下列规则确定类型代字和案件编号:
(1) The type code characters of the enforcement objection cases are “Zhi Yi Zi,” and the case numbers of the cases thereof shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately. (一)执行异议案件类型代字为“执异字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;
(2) The type code characters of the enforcement reconsideration cases are “Zhi Fu Zi,” and the case numbers of the cases thereof shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately. (二)执行复议案件类型代字为“执复字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;
(3) The type code characters of the enforcement supervision cases are “Zhi Jian Zi,” and the case numbers of the cases thereof shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately. (三)执行监督案件类型代字为“执监字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;
(4) The type code characters of the enforcement instruction cases are “Zhi Qing Zi,” and the case numbers of the cases thereof shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately. (四)执行请示案件类型代字为“执请字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序;
(5) The type code characters of the enforcement coordination cases are “Zhi Xie Zi,” and the case numbers of the cases thereof shall be determined in the order of case-filing time, and sequenced separately. (五)执行协调案件类型代字为“执协字”,按照立案时间的先后顺序确定案件编号,单独进行排序。
Article 9 Any of the following cases shall be filed by the people's court as an enforcement objection case:   第九条 下列案件,人民法院应当按照执行异议案件予以立案:
(1) A party to or an interested party in the case deems that the enforcement act of the people's court violates the provisions of laws, and files a written objection. (一)当事人、利害关系人认为人民法院的执行行为违反法律规定,提出书面异议的;
(2) A party not involved in the case files a written objection regarding the subject matter of enforcement in the process of enforcement. (二)执行过程中,案外人对执行标的提出书面异议的;
(3) A party raises any objection to the jurisdiction after the people's court accepts the enforcement application. (三)人民法院受理执行申请后,当事人对管辖权提出异议的;
(4) The enforcement applicant applies for adding or changingthe party subject to enforcement. (四)申请执行人申请追加、变更被执行人的;
(5) The party subject to enforcement files an application for preventing enforcement on the ground of elimination of the claims or exceeding of thetime limit for the application for enforcement or for any other substantive cause that prevents enforcement. (五)被执行人以债权消灭、超过申请执行期间或者其他阻止执行的实体事由提出阻止执行的;
(6) The party subject to enforcement applies for not enforcing the arbitral award or the notarizeddebt instrumentthat has been given the enforceability by the notary organ. (六)被执行人对仲裁裁决或者公证机关赋予强制执行效力的公证债权文书申请不予执行的;
(7) Any other case where an enforcement objection application may be filed in accordance with the law. (七)其他依法可以申请执行异议的。
Article 10 Any of the following cases shall be filed by the people's court as an enforcement reconsideration case:   第十条 下列案件,人民法院应当按照执行复议案件予以立案:
(1) A party to or an interested party in the case refuses to accept the ruling rendered regarding Items (1), (3) and (5) of Article 9 of these Opinions, and files an application for reconsideration to the people's court at a higher level. (一)当事人、利害关系人不服人民法院针对本意见第九条第(一)项、第(三)项、第(五)项作出的裁定,向上一级人民法院申请复议的;
(2) Except for the reason of a couple's joint debts, a contributor's failure to make capital contributions in accordance with the law, the addition arising from equity transfer, or the addition to the shareholder of a one-man company, a party to or an interested party in the case refuses to accept the ruling rendered by the people's court concerning Item (4) of Article 9 of these Opinions, and applies to the people's court at a higher level for reconsideration. (二)除因夫妻共同债务、出资人未依法出资、股权转让引起的追加和对一人公司股东的追加外,当事人、利害关系人不服人民法院针对本意见第九条第(四)项作出的裁定,向上一级人民法院申请复议的;
(3) A party to the case refuses to accept the ruling of not enforcing a notarized debt instrument, rejecting an application for not enforcing a notarized debt instrument, not enforcing an arbitral award, or rejecting an application for not enforcing an arbitral award, and applies to the people's court at a higher level for reconsideration. (三)当事人不服人民法院针对本意见第九条第(六)项作出的不予执行公证债权文书、驳回不予执行公证债权文书申请、不予执行仲裁裁决、驳回不予执行仲裁裁决申请的裁定,向上一级人民法院申请复议的;
(4) Any other case where an application for reconsideration may be filed in accordance with the law. (四)其他依法可以申请复议的。
Article 11 The cases where people's courts at the higher levels conduct supervision over people's courts at the higher levels or where the Supreme People's Court conducts supervision over the local people's courts at all levels shall be filed as enforcement supervision cases.
   第十一条 上级人民法院对下级人民法院,最高人民法院对地方各级人民法院依法进行监督的案件,应当按照执行监督案件予以立案。

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