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Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performances (2013 Revised) [Revised]
营业性演出管理条例(2013修订) [已被修订]

Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performances 


(Promulgated by Order No.439 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on July 7,2005 and amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performances on July 22,2008 and revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations by the Order No. 638 of the State Council on July 18, 2013) (2005年7月7日中华人民共和国国务院令第439号公布 根据2008年7月22日《国务院关于修改〈营业性演出管理条例〉的决定》第一次修订 根据2013年7月18日国务院令第638号《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated with a view to strengthening the management of commercial performances, promoting the development of cultural industry, boosting the socialist art cause, catering to the cultural needs of the people and promoting the socialist spiritual civilization.   第一条 为了加强对营业性演出的管理,促进文化产业的发展,繁荣社会主义文艺事业,满足人民群众文化生活的需要,促进社会主义精神文明建设,制定本条例。
Article 2 The "commercial performances" as mentioned in this Regulation refer to the live art performances geared towards the general public for commercial purposes.   第二条 本条例所称营业性演出,是指以营利为目的为公众举办的现场文艺表演活动。
Article 3 The commercial performances shall adhere to the direction of serving the people and the socialism, give priority to the social benefits, harmonize the social and economic benefits and enrich the cultural life of the people.   第三条 营业性演出必须坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向,把社会效益放在首位、实现社会效益和经济效益的统一,丰富人民群众的文化生活。
Article 4 The state encourages the excellent programs that unify the cultural and artistic performance groups, creation of performers as well as the spirits and artistic quality of performances, reflect the good national cultural tradition and are popular among the people, and encourages the performances that are gratuitously or preferentially offered to rural areas, industrial and mining enterprises, as well as the children.   第四条 国家鼓励文艺表演团体、演员创作和演出思想性艺术性统一、体现民族优秀文化传统、受人民群众欢迎的优秀节目,鼓励到农村、工矿企业演出和为少年儿童提供免费或者优惠的演出。
Article 5 The culture administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the commercial performances throughout the country. The public security department and the industry and commerce administrative department of the State Council shall, according to their respective functions, be responsible for the supervision and management of the commercial performances.   第五条 国务院文化主管部门主管全国营业性演出的监督管理工作。国务院公安部门、工商行政管理部门在各自职责范围内,主管营业性演出的监督管理工作。
The culture administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the commercial performances within their respective administrative area. The public security departments and the industry and commerce administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to their respective functions, be responsible for the supervision and management of commercial performances. 县级以上地方人民政府文化主管部门负责本行政区域内营业性演出的监督管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府公安部门、工商行政管理部门在各自职责范围内,负责本行政区域内营业性演出的监督管理工作。
Chapter II Establishment of Business Subject of Commercial Performances 

第二章 营业性演出经营主体的设立

Article 6 When establishing a cultural and artistic performance organization, the applicant shall have full-time performers and equipment that can meet the needs of its business of performances.   第六条 设立文艺表演团体,应当有与其演出业务相适应的专职演员和器材设备。
When establishing a performance brokerage institution, the applicant shall have 3 or more full-time performance brokers and fund that can meet the needs of its business. 设立演出经纪机构,应当有3名以上专职演出经纪人员和与其业务相适应的资金。
Article 7 When establishing a cultural and artistic performance group, the applicant shall file an application with the culture administrative department of the people's government at the county level. When establishing a performance brokerage institution, the applicant shall file an application with the culture administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. The culture administrative department shall make a decision within 20 days after it accepts the application. If it approves the application, it shall grant the applicant a commercial performance license; if it disapproves the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing and make an explanation.   第七条 设立文艺表演团体,应当向县级人民政府文化主管部门提出申请;设立演出经纪机构,应当向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门提出申请。文化主管部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内作出决定。批准的,颁发营业性演出许可证;不批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。
After the applicant obtains the commercial performance license, it shall, upon strength of the license, go through the registration formalities in the industry and commerce administrative department to get a business license. 申请人取得营业性演出许可证后,应当持许可证依法到工商行政管理部门办理注册登记,领取营业执照。
Article 8 When establishing a business entity of commercial performance place, the applicant shall go through the registration formalities in the industry and commerce administrative department, get a business license, and go through the examination and approval formalities in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations on fire protection, sanitation, etc.   第八条 设立演出场所经营单位,应当依法到工商行政管理部门办理注册登记,领取营业执照,并依照有关消防、卫生管理等法律、行政法规的规定办理审批手续。
The business entity of commercial performance place shall, within 20 days after it obtains the business license, go through the archival filing formalities in the culture administrative department of the people's government at the county level of the place where it is located. 演出场所经营单位应当自领取营业执照之日起20日内向所在地县级人民政府文化主管部门备案。
Article 9 Where a cultural and artistic performance group intends to change its name, domicile, legal representative or major person-in-charge, or business items of commercial performances, it shall file an application with the original license issuing organ for changing its commercial performance license and go through the formalities for modifying the registration in the industry and commerce administrative department.   第九条 文艺表演团体变更名称、住所、法定代表人或者主要负责人、营业性演出经营项目,应当向原发证机关申请换发营业性演出许可证,并依法到工商行政管理部门办理变更登记。
Where a business entity of commercial performance place intends to change its name, domicile, legal representative or major person-in-charge, it shall go through the formalities for modifying the registration in the industry and commerce administrative department and shall, once again, go through the archival filing formalities in the original archival filing organ. 演出场所经营单位变更名称、住所、法定代表人或者主要负责人,应当依法到工商行政管理部门办理变更登记,并向原备案机关重新备案。
Article 10 The self-employed performers engaged in commercial performances (hereinafter referred to as the self-employed performers) and the self-employed performance brokers engaged in the activities such as intermediary and agency for commercial performances (hereinafter referred to as the self-employed performance brokers) shall each go through the registration formalities in the industry and commerce administrative department to get a business license.   第十条 以从事营业性演出为职业的个体演员(以下简称个体演员)和以从事营业性演出的居间、代理活动为职业的个体演出经纪人(以下简称个体演出经纪人),应当依法到工商行政管理部门办理注册登记,领取营业执照。
A self-employed performer or self-employed performance broker shall, within 20 days after it obtains a business license, go through the archival filing formalities in the local culture administrative department of the people's government at the county level. 个体演员、个体演出经纪人应当自领取营业执照之日起20日内向所在地县级人民政府文化主管部门备案。
Article 11 Foreign investors may, jointly with Chinese investors, establish Sino-foreign equity joint and Sino-foreign contractual performance brokerage institutions and business entities of performance place. No foreign investor may establish any Sino-foreign equity joint, Sino-foreign contractual or solely foreign-funded cultural and artistic performance group, or establish any solely foreign-funded performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance place.   第十一条 外国投资者可以与中国投资者依法设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位;不得设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营、外资经营的文艺表演团体,不得设立外资经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位。
When establishing a Sino-foreign equity joint performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance place, the investment proportion of the Chinese party shall not be less than 51%. When establishing a Sino-foreign contractual performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance place, the Chinese party shall have the decision-making power. 设立中外合资经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位,中国合营者的投资比例应当不低于51%;设立中外合作经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位,中国合作者应当拥有经营主导权。
When establishing a Sino-foreign equity joint or Sino-foreign contractual performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance place, the applicant shall, via the culture administrative department of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, file an application to the culture administrative department of the State Council. The culture administrative department of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 days after it receives the application, issue and submit its examination opinions to the culture administrative department of the State Council for examination and approval. The culture administrative department of the State Council shall make a decision within 20 days after it receives the examination opinions of the culture administrative department of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. If it approves the application, it shall grant the applicant a commercial performance license; if it disapproves the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing and make an explanation. After the applicant obtains the commercial performance license, it shall go through the examination and approval formalities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on foreign investment. 设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位,应当通过省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门向国务院文化主管部门提出申请;省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门应当自收到申请之日起20日内出具审查意见报国务院文化主管部门审批。国务院文化主管部门应当自收到省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门的审查意见之日起20日内作出决定。批准的,颁发营业性演出许可证;不批准的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。申请人应当在取得营业性演出许可证后,依照有关外商投资的法律、法规的规定办理审批手续。
Article 12 The investors from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region may invest in or establish equity or contractual joint-venture or solely-funded performance brokerage institutions or business entities of performance places in the mainland; the performance brokerage institutions of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region may set up branches in the mainland.   第十二条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的投资者可以在内地投资设立合资、合作、独资经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位;香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构可以在内地设立分支机构。
The investors from Taiwan region may establish equity or contractual joint-venture performance brokerage institutions and business entities of performance places in the mainland. However, the investment proportion of the mainland party shall not be less than 51% and the mainland party shall have the decision-making power. No investor from Taiwan region may establish any equity or contractual joint-venture or solely-funded cultural and artistic performance group, or solely-funded performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance places. 台湾地区的投资者可以在内地投资设立合资、合作经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位,但内地合营者的投资比例应当不低于51%,内地合作者应当拥有经营主导权;不得设立合资、合作、独资经营的文艺表演团体和独资经营的演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位。
The formation of a performance brokerage institution or an entity operating performance premises hereunder shall be subject to the approval formalities under paragraph 3 of Article 11 of this Regulation. 依照本条规定设立演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位的,应当依照本条例第十一条第三款的规定办理审批手续。
Chapter III Norms on Commercial Performances 

第三章 营业性演出规范

Article 13 A cultural and artistic performance group or self-employed performer may stage commercial performances independently, and may participate in any cooperative commercial performances.   第十三条 文艺表演团体、个体演员可以自行举办营业性演出,也可以参加营业性组台演出。
The cooperative commercial performances shall be arranged by a performance brokerage institution, but a business entity of performance place may stage cooperative commercial performances at its own performance place. 营业性组台演出应当由演出经纪机构举办;但是,演出场所经营单位可以在本单位经营的场所内举办营业性组台演出。
A performance brokerage institution may be engaged in the activities such as intermediary, agency and brokerage for commercial performances; a self-employed performance broker may only act as a middleman or agent for commercial performances. 演出经纪机构可以从事营业性演出的居间、代理、行纪活动;个体演出经纪人只能从事营业性演出的居间、代理活动。
Article 14 When hosting commercial performances, the applicant shall file an application with the culture administrative department of the people's government at the county level of the place where the performances are hosted. The culture administrative department of the people's government at the county level shall make a decision within 3 days after it accepts the application. If the application meets the requirements as prescribed in Article 26 of this Regulation, it shall grant the applicant an approval document; if the application does not, it shall make a decision of disapproval and shall notify the applicant in writing and make an explanation.   第十四条 举办营业性演出,应当向演出所在地县级人民政府文化主管部门提出申请。县级人民政府文化主管部门应当自受理申请之日起3日内作出决定。对符合本条例第二十六条规定的,发给批准文件;对不符合本条例第二十六条规定的,不予批准,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
Article 15 With the exceptions of performance brokerage institutions, any other entity or individual shall not host commercial performances participated in by foreign or Hong Kong or Macao cultural and artistic performance groups or individuals. However, when a cultural and artistic performance group hosts commercial performances by itself, it may invite foreign, Hong Kong and Macao cultural and artistic performance groups and individuals to participate in the commercial performances.   第十五条 除演出经纪机构外,其他任何单位或者个人不得举办外国的或者香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的文艺表演团体、个人参加的营业性演出。但是,文艺表演团体自行举办营业性演出,可以邀请外国的或者香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的文艺表演团体、个人参加。
When hosting commercial performances with participants of foreign, Hong Kong and Macao cultural and artistic performance groups and individuals, the hosting party shall meet the following requirements: 举办外国的或者香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的文艺表演团体、个人参加的营业性演出,应当符合下列条件:
(1) Having the fund that can meet the relevant needs of the commercial performances; (一)有与其举办的营业性演出相适应的资金;
(2) Having 2-year or more experience of hosting commercial performances; and (二)有2年以上举办营业性演出的经历;
(3) Having no record of violating this Regulation within 2 years prior to the to-be-hosted commercial performances. (三)举办营业性演出前2年内无违反本条例规定的记录。
Article 16 To host commercial performances in which foreign cultural and artistic performance groups or individuals participate, the hosting entity shall file an application with the cultural administrative departments of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the performances are located.   第十六条 举办外国的文艺表演团体、个人参加的营业性演出,演出举办单位应当向演出所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门提出申请。
With regard to the commercial performances with participants of Hong Kong and Macao cultural and artistic performance groups and individuals, the hosting entity shall file an application with the culture administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government of the place where the commercial performances are hosted. With regard to the commercial performances with participants of Taiwan cultural and artistic performance groups and individuals, the hosting entity shall file an application with the culture administrative department of the State Council jointly with the examination and approval organ as designated by the relevant departments of the State Council. 举办香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的文艺表演团体、个人参加的营业性演出,演出举办单位应当向演出所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门提出申请;举办台湾地区的文艺表演团体、个人参加的营业性演出,演出举办单位应当向国务院文化主管部门会同国务院有关部门规定的审批机关提出申请。
The culture administrative department of the State Council or the culture administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall make a decision after it accepts an application. If the application meets the requirements as specified in Article 26 of this Regulation, it shall grant the applicant an approval document; if it does not, it shall disapprove it and shall notify the applicant in writing and make an explanation. 国务院文化主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化主管部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内作出决定。对符合本条例第二十六条规定的,发给批准文件;对不符合本条例第二十六条规定的,不予批准,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
Article 17 The application materials for hosting commercial performances shall include the following items:   第十七条 申请举办营业性演出,提交的申请材料应当包括下列内容:
(1)The name of the performance, hosting entity and participants of cultural and artistic performance group and actors of the performances; (一)演出名称、演出举办单位和参加演出的文艺表演团体、演员;
(2)The date, place and total number of performances; and (二)演出时间、地点、场次;
(3)The programs and the relevant visual and audio materials; (三)节目及其视听资料。
When applying for hosting cooperative commercial performances, the applicant shall, in addition to submitting the above-mentioned materials, submit the performers' written letters about their promises to participate in the performances. 申请举办营业性组台演出,还应当提交文艺表演团体、演员同意参加演出的书面函件。
Where it is necessary to change any of the items as listed in the application materials of the commercial performances, the applicant shall, for a second time, go through formalities for examination and approval respectively in accordance with Articles 14 and 16 of this Regulation. 营业性演出需要变更申请材料所列事项的,应当分别依照本条例第十四条、第十六条规定重新报批。
Article 18 When providing a performance place, the business entity of performance place shall verify the approval document obtained by the hosting entity of performances. It shall not provide its performance place for any unapproved commercial performances.   第十八条 演出场所经营单位提供演出场地,应当核验演出举办单位取得的批准文件;不得为未经批准的营业性演出提供演出场地。
Article 19 A business entity of performance place shall ensure that the building and facilities of the performance place conform to the national safety standards and fire protection and safety norms, shall regularly check the status of the fire protection and safety facilities and shall maintain and renew these facilities in time.   第十九条 演出场所经营单位应当确保演出场所的建筑、设施符合国家安全标准和消防安全规范,定期检查消防安全设施状况,并及时维护、更新。
The business entity of performance place shall set forth a plan on security protection and a plan on fire control and emergency evacuation. 演出场所经营单位应当制定安全保卫工作方案和灭火、应急疏散预案。
When a hosting entity of performances intends to host commercial performances in a performance place, it shall verify the records of the checks over fire protection and safety facilities, the security protection plan as well as the fire control and emergency evacuation plan of the business entity of performance place, and shall sign a safety responsibility agreement with the business entity of performance place regarding the prevention and handling of emergent safety accidents during the performances. 演出举办单位在演出场所进行营业性演出,应当核验演出场所经营单位的消防安全设施检查记录、安全保卫工作方案和灭火、应急疏散预案,并与演出场所经营单位就演出活动中突发安全事件的防范、处理等事项签订安全责任协议。
Article 20 When hosting commercial performances in a pubic place, the hosting entity shall go through the examination and approval formalities in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the state on safety and fire prevention and shall set forth a security protection plan as well as a fire control and emergency evacuation plan. The performance place shall be equipped with emergency broadcasting and lighting devices, shall set up obvious marks at the safe entries and exits and shall ensure the smoothness of the safe entries and exits. If it is necessary to put up a temporary stage or stand, the hosting entity shall comply with the relevant national safety standards so as to ensure the safety.
   第二十条 在公共场所举办营业性演出,演出举办单位应当依照有关安全、消防的法律、行政法规和国家有关规定办理审批手续,并制定安全保卫工作方案和灭火、应急疏散预案。演出场所应当配备应急广播、照明设施,在安全出入口设置明显标识,保证安全出入口畅通;需要临时搭建舞台、看台的,演出举办单位应当按照国家有关安全标准搭建舞台、看台,确保安全。

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