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Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Minutes of the Eighth Work Conference of the Courts Nationwide on Civil and Commercial Trials (Civil) [Effective]
最高人民法院关于印发《第八次全国法院民事商事审判工作会议(民事部分)纪要》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Minutes of the Eighth Work Conference of the Courts Nationwide on Civil and Commercial Trials (Civil) 


(No. 399 [2016] of the Supreme People's Court November 21, 2016) (2016年11月21日 法[2016]399号)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院,解放军军事法院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院:
The Minutes of the Eighth Work Conference of the Courts Nationwide on Civil and Commercial Trials (Civil) arehereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation according to the actual working conditions. Any problem encountered in the implementation of the Tasks shall be reported to the Supreme People's Court in a timely manner. 现将《第八次全国法院民事商事审判工作会议(民事部分)纪要》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。对于执行中存在的问题,请层报最高人民法院。
Minutes of the Eighth Work Conference of the Courts Nationwide on Civil and Commercial Trials (Civil) 第八次全国法院民事商事审判工作会议(民事部分)纪要
On December 23 and 24, 2015, the Supreme People's Court held the Eighth Work Conference of the Courts Nationwide on Civil and Commercial Trials in Beijing. Comrade Meng Jianzhu, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Commission of Politics and Law of the CPC Central Committee specifically made important comments. Zhou Qiang, President of the Supreme People's Court attended the conference and delivered a speech. The high people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army, the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the High People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the intermediate people's courts of the cities under separate state planning assigned representatives to attend the conference. Representatives of the Commission of Politics and Law of the CPC Central Committee, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (“NPC”), the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council, and other central authorities, some delegates to the NPC, CPPCC National Committee members, special advisors of the Supreme People's Court, special supervisors of the Supreme People's Court, and relevant experts and scholars attended the conference, upon invitation and as nonvoting participants. 2015年12月23日至24日,最高人民法院在北京召开第八次全国法院民事商事审判工作会议。中共中央政治局委员、中央政法委书记孟建柱同志专门作出重要批语。最高人民法院院长周强出席会议并讲话。各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院,解放军军事法院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院以及计划单列市中级人民法院派员参加会议。中央政法委、全国人大常委会法工委、国务院法制办等中央国家机关代表,部分全国人大代表、全国政协委员、最高人民法院特邀咨询员、最高人民法院特约监督员以及有关专家学者应邀列席会议。
This conference is an important work conference on civil and commercial trials held under the new situation that the “13th Five-Year Plan” was put forward at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (“CPC”). It is of great and far-reaching historical significance for the people's courts' actively adapting to the new situation and new normal of the economic and social development, even more fully maximizing the trial functions, and providing powerful judicial power for promoting the strategic layout of the “13th Five-Year Plan” and realizing the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Through discussion, the following minutes on more effectively carrying out civil trial in the current and future period are formed. 这次会议是在党的十八届五中全会提出“十三五”规划建议新形势下召开的一次重要的民事商事审判工作会议。对于人民法院主动适应经济社会发展新形势新常态,更加充分发挥审判工作职能,为推进“十三五”规划战略布局,实现全面建成小康社会“第一个百年目标”提供有力司法保障,具有重要而深远的历史意义。通过讨论,对当前和今后一段时期更好开展民事审判工作形成如下纪要。
I. General requirements for the civil trial 一、民事审判工作总体要求
At the period determining the victory when China is striving to build a well-off society in an all-round way, the people's courts are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, and the responsibilities for the civil trial are even heavy. The main tasks of civil trials as a major integral part of the work of the people's courts in the current and future period are: further implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the CPC and the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, promoting the “Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy” in a coordinated manner under the guidance of the spirit of a series of important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping and according to the overall layout for “economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress,” insisting on people-oriented justice and impartial justice by centering on the goal of taking the endeavor of letting the people feel fairness and justice in each judicial case, fully maximizing the functions of civil trials, serving the five concepts of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, insisting on the “six principles” of protecting property rights according to the law, respecting the freedom of contract, equal and lawful protection, unification of rights and obligations, advocating honesty and good faith, and unification of procedural justice and substantive justice, actively participating in social governance, effectively enhancing judicial credibility, and providing powerful judicial services and guarantee for the building of a well-off society in a all-around way as scheduled. 我国正处于奋力夺取全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,人民法院面临的机遇和挑战前所未有,民事审判工作的责任更加重大。作为人民法院工作重要组成部分的民事审判工作,当前和今后一段时期的主要任务是:深入贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,以习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神为指导,按照“五位一体”总体部署,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,围绕“努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义”的目标,坚持司法为民、公正司法,充分发挥民事审判职能作用,服务创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念,坚持依法保护产权、尊重契约自由、依法平等保护、权利义务责任相统一、倡导诚实守信以及程序公正与实体公正相统一“六个原则”,积极参与社会治理,切实提升司法公信力,为如期实现全面建成小康社会提供有力司法服务和保障。
II. Trial of cases regarding marriage and family disputes 二、关于婚姻家庭纠纷案件的审理
Effective trial of cases regarding marriage and family is of significance for carrying forward the core socialist values and the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, transferring positive energy, promoting the family tradition construction, and maintaining the stability of marriage and family. Attention shall be paid to the exploration of the laws in the trial of family matters, and the pilot program of the reform of the way for the trial of family matters and the working mechanism shall be actively and steadily conducted; and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law shall be effectively implemented, the successful experience of the people's courts in applying personal safety protective order to prevent domestic violence shall be summarized in a timely manner, and the sound and harmonious development of the society shall be promoted. 审理好婚姻家庭案件对于弘扬社会主义核心价值观和中华民族传统美德,传递正能量,促进家风建设,维护婚姻家庭稳定,具有重要意义。要注重探索家事审判工作规律,积极稳妥开展家事审判方式和工作机制改革试点工作;做好反家暴法实施工作,及时总结人民法院适用人身安全保护令制止家庭暴力的成功经验,促进社会健康和谐发展。
1. Protection of minors (一)关于未成年人保护问题
(1) In the trial of cases regarding marriage and family, importance shall be attached to the protection of the rights and interests of minors. Especially in a divorce case involving domestic violence, a judgment ordering the parent who commits domestic violence to directly raise a minor child shall generally be inappropriate to be rendered, under the principle of maximizing the interests of minor children. 1.在审理婚姻家庭案件中,应注重对未成年人权益的保护,特别是涉及家庭暴力的离婚案件,从未成年子女利益最大化的原则出发,对于实施家庭暴力的父母一方,一般不宜判决其直接抚养未成年子女。
(2) Where, after divorce, a parent who does not directly raise a minor child puts forward a claim of visiting a minor child, the significance of appropriately exercising the right to visit for the healthy growth and personality shaping of minor children shall be explained to both parties, and parties shall be guaranteed to lawfully exercise the right to visit according to the minor children's age, intelligence and cognitive level, under the premise of in favor of minor children's growth and respecting their wishes. 2.离婚后,不直接抚养未成年子女的父母一方提出探望未成年子女诉讼请求的,应当向双方当事人释明探望权的适当行使对未成年子女健康成长、人格塑造的重要意义,并根据未成年子女的年龄、智力和认知水平,在有利于未成年子女成长和尊重其意愿的前提下,保障当事人依法行使探望权。
(3) Where grandparents have fulfilled the obligations of raising minor grandchildren whose parents have died or whose parents are unable to raise them, their right of regularly visiting grandchildren shall be respected and they shall have the right to obtain judicial protection by way of litigation.   3.祖父母、外祖父母对父母已经死亡或父母无力抚养的未成年孙子女、外孙子女尽了抚养义务,其定期探望孙子女、外孙子女的权利应当得到尊重,并有权通过诉讼方式获得司法保护。
2. Recognition of community property (二)关于夫妻共同财产认定问题
(4) Where, during the existence of a marital relationship, an insurance policy is purchased for community property, the insurance applicant and the insured are the same spouse, a divorce occurs during the insurance duration, and the insurance applicant is unwilling to continue to purchase the insurance policy, the cash value of the insurance policy refunded by the insurer shall be handled as community property; and where the insurance applicant chooses to continue purchasing the insurance policy at the time of divorce, the insurance applicant shall pay half of the cash value of the insurance policy to the other party. 4.婚姻关系存续期间以夫妻共同财产投保,投保人和被保险人同为夫妻一方,离婚时处于保险期内,投保人不愿意继续投保的,保险人退还的保险单现金价值部分应按照夫妻共同财产处理;离婚时投保人选择继续投保的,投保人应当支付保险单现金价值的一半给另一方。
(5) During the existence of a marital relationship, the insurance premium with personal nature obtained by the insured according to the accident injury insurance contract and the contract on health insurance or the insurance premium obtained by one spouse as a beneficiary according to the life insurance contract with death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits is appropriate to be recognized as personal property, except as otherwise agreed upon by the two parties. 5.婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方作为被保险人依据意外伤害保险合同、健康保险合同获得的具有人身性质的保险金,或者夫妻一方作为受益人依据以死亡为给付条件的人寿保险合同获得的保险金,宜认定为个人财产,但双方另有约定的除外。
During the existence of a marital relationship, the insurance premium obtained by one spouse according to an insurance contract with cash value and with survival until a certain age as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits is appropriate to be recognized as community property, except as otherwise agreed upon by the two parties. 婚姻关系存续期间,夫妻一方依据以生存到一定年龄为给付条件的具有现金价值的保险合同获得的保险金,宜认定为夫妻共同财产,但双方另有约定的除外。
III. Trial of cases regarding tort dispute 三、关于侵权纠纷案件的审理
Effective trial of cases regarding compensation for tort damage is of significance for protecting the lawful rights and interests of civil subjects, clarifying the tort liability, preventing tort and punishing persons committing tort, and promoting the fairness and justice of the society. The successful experience accumulated in the previous trials of tort cases shall be summarized and utilized, the laws in the trial of tort cases under new situation shall be further explored, and the unification of the adjudicatory standards and the adjudication criteria shall be further emphasized. Currently, attention shall be paid to the following issues: 审理好侵权损害赔偿案件对于保护民事主体的合法权益,明确侵权责任,预防并制裁侵权行为,促进社会公平正义具有重要意义。要总结和运用以往审理侵权案件所积累下来的成功经验,进一步探索新形势下侵权案件的审理规律,更加强调裁判标准和裁判尺度的统一。当前,要注意以下几方面问题:
1. Issues on the implementation of the Tort Law (一)关于侵权责任法实施中的相关问题
(6) As specifically stipulated in Article 18 of the Tort Law, where an infringed is dead, his or her close relative shall have the right to request the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability, but the right of filing a claim is not granted to relevant authority or entity. Where a tort causes death to an unidentified person and there is no party with the right to compensation or the party with the right to compensation is unidentified, relevant authority or entity shall have no right to institute civil lawsuit for compensation for death, except the medical expenses, funeral expenses, and actual costs incurred that are advanced by them for the deceased.   6.鉴于侵权责任法十八条明确规定被侵权人死亡,其近亲属有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任,并没有赋予有关机关或者单位提起请求的权利,当侵权行为造成身份不明人死亡时,如果没有赔偿权利人或者赔偿权利人不明,有关机关或者单位无权提起民事诉讼主张死亡赔偿金,但其为死者垫付的医疗费、丧葬费等实际发生的费用除外。
(7) In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Tort Law, where the infringed requests the obligor to assume such liabilities as ceasing of infringement, removal of obstruction, and elimination of danger and the obligor makes a defense on the ground of no fault, the defense shall not be supported.   7.依据侵权责任法二十一条的规定,被侵权人请求义务人承担停止侵害、排除妨害、消除危险等责任,义务人以自己无过错为由提出抗辩的,不予支持。
(8) The standard for the calculation of compensation for disability or compensation for death shall be determined according to the actual circumstances of a case and in consideration of the domicile, permanent residence, main source of income, and other factors of the victim. Where, for the calculation of a dependent's living expenses, a victim is a rural resident, but his or her compensation for disability or compensation for death is calculated according to the standards for urban residents, his or her dependent's living expenses shall also be calculated according to the standards of the per capita consumption expenditures for urban residents in the previous year at the domicile of the court accepting the case. A dependent's living expenses shall be included in the compensation for disability or the compensation for death. 8.残疾赔偿金或死亡赔偿金的计算标准,应根据案件的实际情况,结合受害人住所地、经常居住地、主要收入来源等因素确定。在计算被扶养人生活费时,如果受害人是农村居民但按照城镇标准计算残疾赔偿金或者死亡赔偿金的,其被扶养人生活费也应按照受诉法院所在地上一年度城镇居民人均消费性支出标准计算。被扶养人生活费一并计入残疾赔偿金或者死亡赔偿金。
2. Relationship between the social insurance and the tort liability (二)关于社会保险与侵权责任的关系问题
(9) Where an infringed has the right to obtain employment injury insurance benefits or other social insurance benefits, the tortfeasor's tort liability shall not be mitigated or exempted for the victim's access to social insurance. According to the provisions of Articles 30 and 42 of the Social Insurance Law, the infringed shall have the right to request the payment of employment injury insurance benefits or other insurance benefits from the employment injury insurance funds or other social insurance. 9.被侵权人有权获得工伤保险待遇或者其他社会保险待遇的,侵权人的侵权责任不因受害人获得社会保险而减轻或者免除。根据社会保险法三十条和四十二条的规定,被侵权人有权请求工伤保险基金或者其他社会保险支付工伤保险待遇或者其他保险待遇。
(10) Where an employer fails to pay the employment injury insurance premium according to law, a worker suffers personal injury that constitutes employment injury due to a third party's infringement, and a tortfeasor has paid the compensation, the worker shall have the right to request the employer to pay employment injury insurance benefits, besides the medical expenses. An employer that pays the employment injury insurance benefits in advance may recover the medical expenses from the third party within the scope of the compensation liability to be assumed by the third party. 10.用人单位未依法缴纳工伤保险费,劳动者因第三人侵权造成人身损害并构成工伤,侵权人已经赔偿的,劳动者有权请求用人单位支付除医疗费之外的工伤保险待遇。用人单位先行支付工伤保险待遇的,可以就医疗费用在第三人应承担的赔偿责任范围内向其追偿。
3. Liability for medical damage compensation (三)关于医疗损害赔偿责任问题
(11) A patient requesting a medical institution to assume the tort liability shall prove that there is medical relationship with the medical institution and the fact of suffering damages. Whether medical relationship exists shall be recognized in comprehensive consideration of the registration receipt, payment invoices, medical records, hospital discharge certificate, and other evidence that are able to prove the existence of medical practices. 11.患者一方请求医疗机构承担侵权责任,应证明与医疗机构之间存在医疗关系及受损害的事实。对于是否存在医疗关系,应综合挂号单、交费单、病历、出院证明以及其他能够证明存在医疗行为的证据加以认定。
(12) The evidence materials submitted by a party shall be subject to comprehensive review in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws, regulations, and judicial interpretations. Where change in the medical records by a party by forging, tampering, alteration, or other ways, or loss, destruction, or robbing of medical records causes inability to recognize the causal relationship between the medical practices and damage results or the faults of the medical institution and its medical staff members, the party changing, losing, destroying, or robbing the medical records shall assume corresponding adverse consequences; a developer that is unable to make reasonable interpretation for the obvious conflict or mistakes in the medical records shall assume corresponding adverse consequences; and medical records that only have typos, failure in writing according to the standard format of medical records, and other defects of form shall not affect the recognition of the accreditation of the medical records.

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