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Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests [Revised]
中華人民共和國消費者權益保護法 [已被修訂]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 11)
( 第十一號)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, as adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 31, 1993, is hereby issued, and shall enter into force as of January 1, 1994.

Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China
中華人民共和國主席 江澤民

October 31, 1993

Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests

(Adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 31, 1993)

Chapter I General Provisions


第一章 總則

Article 1 The present Law is formulated for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, maintenance of the socio-economic order and promotion of the healthy development of socialist market economy.   第一條 為保護消費者的合法權益,維護社會經濟秩序,促進社會主義市場經濟健康發展,制定本法。

Article 2 The rights and interests of consumers in purchasing and using commodities or receiving services for daily consumption shall be under the protection of the present Law, or under the protection of other relevant laws and regulations in absence of stipulations in this Law.   第二條 消費者為生活消費需要購買、使用商品或者接受服務,其權益受本法保護;本法未作規定的,受其他有關法律、法規保護。

Article 3 Business operators shall, in their supply of commodities produced and sold by them or services to consumers, abide by the present Law, or abide by other relevant laws and regulations in absence of stipulations in the present law.   第三條 經營者為消費者提供其生產、銷售的商品或者提供服務,應當遵守本法;本法未作出規定的,應當遵守其他有關法律、法規。

Article 4 In transactions between business operators and consumers a principle of voluntariness,equality, fairness, honesty and credibility shall be followed.   第四條 經營者與消費者進行交易,應當遵循自願、平等、公平、誠實信用的原則。

Article 5 The State shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers from infringement.   第五條 國家保護消費者的合法權益不受侵害。

The State shall adopt measures to safeguard consumers' exercise of their rights in accordance with the law and to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Article 6 It is the common responsibility of the whole society to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.   第六條 保護消費者的合法權益是全社會的共同責任。

The State shall encourage and support all organizations and individuals to exercise social supervision over acts infringing upon consumer rights and interests.

Mass media shall conduct propaganda defending the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and, through public opinion, exercise supervision over acts infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Chapter II Rights of Consumers 

第二章 消費者的權利

Article 7 Consumers shall, in their purchasing and using commodities or receiving services, enjoy the right of the inviolability of their personal and property safety.   第七條 消費者在購買、使用商品和接受服務時享有人身、財產安全不受損害的權利。

Consumers shall have the right to demand business operators to supply commodities and services up to the requirements of personal and property safety.

Article 8 Consumers shall enjoy the right to obtain true information of the commodities they purchase and use or the services they receive.   第八條 消費者享有知悉其購買、使用的商品或者接受的服務的真實情況的權利。

Consumers shall have the right to demand business operators, in light of the different conditions of commodities or services, to provide their prices, origin, manufacturers, usage,functions, standards, grades, main ingredients, date of production, term of validity,certificates of inspection, operation instructions, aftersale services or information relating to contents, standards and costs of the services.

Article 9 Consumers shall enjoy the right of free choice of commodities or services.   第九條 消費者享有自主選擇商品或者服務的權利。

Consumers shall have the right to make a free choice of business operators for supply of commodities or services, select freely among varieties of articles or forms of services and decide independently to buy or not to buy any kind of commodities, or to accept or not to accept any item of services.

Consumers shall have the right to make comparisons, differentiations and selections when they make a free choice of commodities or services.

Article 10 Consumers shall enjoy the right of fair deal.   第十條 消費者享有公平交易的權利。

Consumers shall, in their purchasing commodities or receiving services, have the right to obtain fair deal prerequisites such as guarantee of quality, reasonable prices and correct measurement, and have the right to refuse any compulsory transaction of business operators.

Article 11 Consumers suffering from personal injury or property damage resulting from their purchasing or using of commodities or receiving of services shall have the right to demand compensations in accordance with the law.   第十一條 消費者因購買、使用商品或者接受服務受到人身、財產損害的,享有依法獲得賠償的權利。

Article 12 Consumers shall have the right to form public organizations for the maintenance of their own legitimate rights and interests according to law.   第十二條 消費者享有依法成立維護自身合法權益的社會團體的權利。

Article 13 Consumers shall have the right to acquire knowledge concerning consumption and protection of consumer rights and interests.   第十三條 消費者享有獲得有關消費和消費者權益保護方面的知識的權利。

Consumers shall make efforts to master the knowledge of their necessary commodities or services and the skill in operation thereof, apply the commodities in a correct way and raise their consciousness of self-protection.

Article 14 Consumers shall, in their purchasing and using commodities or receiving services, have the right that their human dignity, national customs and habits are respected.   第十四條 消費者在購買、使用商品和接受服務時,享有其人格尊嚴、民族風俗習慣得到尊重的權利。

Article 15 Consumers shall have the right to exercise supervision over commodities, services as well as the work of protection of consumer rights and interests.   第十五條 消費者享有對商品和服務以及保護消費者權益工作進行監督的權利。

Consumers shall have the right to inform and charge against the infringement upon consumer rights and interests and the breach of law or neglect of duty on the part of State organs and their functionaries in the work of protection of consumer rights and interests, and have the right to raise criticism of or proposals for the work of protection of consumer rights and interests.

Chapter III Obligations of Business Operators 

第三章 經營者的義務

Article 16 Business operators shall, in their supply of commodities and services to consumers, fulfill their obligations stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality and other laws and regulations concerned.   第十六條 經營者向消費者提供商品或者服務,應當依照《中華人民共和國產品質量法》和其他有關法律、法規的規定履行義務。

In case an agreement is reached between business operators and consumers, the business operators shall fulfill the obligations agreed upon in the agreement; but the agreement between the two parties shall not contravene the provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 17 Business operators shall listen to the consumers' opinions on the commodities and services they supply and accept consumers' supervision.   第十七條 經營者應當聽取消費者對其提供的商品或者服務的意見,接受消費者的監督。

Article 18 Business operators shall guarantee that the commodities and services they supply meet the requirements for personal or property safety. As to commodities and services liable to harm personal or property safety, business operators shall give the consumers truthful explanation and clear out warnings, and shall explain or indicate the correct ways of using the commodities or receiving services as well as the methods of preventing damage.   第十八條 經營者應當保證其提供的商品或者服務符合保障人身、財產安全的要求。對可能危及人身、財產安全的商品和服務,應當向消費者作出真實的說明和明確的警示,並說明和標明正確使用商品或者接受服務的方法以及防止危害發生的方法。

Business operators shall, upon discovery of serious defects of the commodities or services they supply which are liable to harm personal or property safety even though the commodities are correctly applied or services are received in a correct way, immediately report to the administrative departments concerned and inform the consumers, and adopt measures to prevent damage.

Article 19 Business operators shall provide consumers with authentic information concerning their commodities or services, and may not make any false and misleading propaganda.   第十九條 經營者應當向消費者提供有關商品或者服務的真實信息,不得作引人誤解的虛假宣傳。

Business operators shall give truthful and definite replies to inquiries from consumers about the qualities of the commodities or services they supply and the operation methods thereof.

Shops shall mark clearly the prices of the commodities they supply.

Article 20 Business operators shall indicate their real names and marks.   第二十條 經營者應當標明其真實名稱和標記。

Business operators who lease counters or grounds from others shall indicate their own real names and marks.

Article 21 Business operators who supply commodities or services shall make out for consumers invoices for purchases or documents of services in accordance with relevant regulations of the State or commercial practices; business operators must produce such invoices or documents in case consumers so demand.   第二十一條 經營者提供商品或者服務,應當按照國家有關規定或者商業慣例向消費者出具購貨憑證或者服務單據;消費者索要購貨憑證或者服務單據的,經營者必須出具。

Article 22 Business operators shall guarantee the quality, functions, usage and term of validity which the commodities or services they supply should possess under normal operation or acceptance,except that consumers are aware of the defects before they buy the commodities or receive the services.   第二十二條 經營者應當保證在正常使用商品或者接受服務的情況下其提供的商品或者服務應當具有的質量、性能、用途和有效期限;但消費者在購買該商品或者接受該服務前已經知道其存在瑕疵的除外。

Business operators who employ advertisements, product instructions, samples or other ways to display the quality state of their commodities or services shall guarantee that the actual quality of the commodities or services they supply is in conformity with that demonstrated.

Article 23 Business operators who are under the obligation of repair or caveat venditor, or other responsibilities in accordance with regulations of the State or agreements with consumers shall carry out such obligations correspondingly according to such regulations or agreements, and may not delay deliberately or refuse unreasonably to do so.   第二十三條 經營者提供商品或者服務,按照國家規定或者與消費者的約定,承擔包修、包換、包退或者其他責任的,應當按照國家規定或者約定履行,不得故意拖延或者無理拒絕。

Article 24 Business operators may not, through format contracts, notices, announcements, entrance hall bulletins and so on, impose unfair or unreasonable rules on consumers or reduce or escape their civil liability for their infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.   第二十四條 經營者不得以格式合同、通知、聲明、店堂告示等方式作出對消費者不公平、不合理的規定,或者減輕、免除其損害消費者合法權益應當承擔的民事責任。

Format contracts, notices, announcements, entrance hall bulletins and so on with contents mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be invalid.

Article 25 Business operators may not insult or slander consumers, may not search the body of consumers or the articles they carry with them, and may not violate the personal freedom of consumers.   第二十五條 經營者不得對消費者進行侮辱、誹謗,不得搜查消費者的身體及其攜帶的物品,不得侵犯消費者的人身自由。

Chapter IV Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Consumers by the State 

第四章 國家對消費者合法權益的保護

Article 26 The State shall heed to the opinions and demands from consumers when making laws, regulations and policies concerning consumer rights and interests.   第二十六條 國家制定有關消費者權益的法律、法規和政策時,應聽取消費者的意見和要求。

Article 27 People's governments at various levels shall strengthen their leadership, and organize,coordinate and supervise the administrative departments concerned to do their work well in the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.   第二十七條 各級人民政府應當加強領導,組織、協調、督促有關行政部門做好保護消費者合法權益的工作。

People's governments at various levels shall strengthen supervision to prevent occurrence of acts damaging to the personal or property safety of consumers and promptly check any such acts.

Article 28 Departments for industry and commerce of people's governments at various levels and other administrative departments concerned shall adopt measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers within the scope of their respective functions and duties in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.   第二十八條 各級人民政府工商行政管理部門和其他有關行政部門應當依照法律、法規的規定,在各自的職責範圍內,采取措施,保護消費者的合法權益。

Administrative departments concerned shall listen to the complaints of consumers and their public organizations as to the transactions of business operators and the quality of their commodities and services, and carry out timely investigation and disposition.

Article 29 State organs concerned shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,punish any law-breaking or criminal activities of business operators infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in their supplying commodities or services.   第二十九條 有關國家機關應當依照法律、法規的規定,懲處經營者在提供商品和服務中侵害消費者合法權益的違法犯罪行為。

Article 30 The people's courts shall adopt measures to facilitate consumers to take legal proceedings and must entertain and handle without delay cases of disputes over consumer rights and interests that meet the conditions for a lawsuit specified in the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.   第三十條 人民法院應當采取措施,方便消費者提起訴訟。對符合《中華人民共和國民事訴訟法》起訴條件的消費者權益爭議,必須受理,及時審理。

Chapter V Consumer Organizations 

第五章 消費者組織

Article 31 Consumer associations and other consumer organizations are public organizations formed according to law to exercise social supervision over commodities and services and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.   第三十一條 消費者協會和其他消費者組織是依法成立的對商品和服務進行社會監督的保護消費者合法權益的社會團體。

Article 32 Consumer associations shall perform the following functions:   第三十二條 消費者協會履行下列職能:

(1) to afford consumption information and consultative services to consumers; (一)向消費者提供消費信息和咨詢服務;

(2) to participate in supervision over or inspection of commodities and services conducted by relevant administrative departments; (二)參與有關行政部門對商品和服務的監督、檢查;

(3) to make reports, inquiries and suggestions to relevant administrative departments about issues relating to the legitimate rights and interests of consumers; (三)就有關消費者合法權益的問題,向有關行政部門反映、查詢,提出建議;

(4) to accept and hear complaints of consumers and offer investigations and mediations with respect to points of complaints; (四)受理消費者的投訴,並對投訴事項進行調查、調解;

(5) in case quality of commodities or services is involved, to submit for appraisement the points of complaints to appraisal departments which shall inform them of the expert conclusions; (五)投訴事項涉及商品和服務質量問題的,可以提請鑒定部門鑒定,鑒定部門應當告知鑒定結論;

(6) to render support to victims in their legal proceedings against infringement upon the rights and interests of consumers; (六)就損害消費者合法權益的行為,支持受損害的消費者提起訴訟;

(7) to expose and criticize through mass media the acts infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. (七)對損害消費者合法權益的行為,通過大眾傳播媒介予以揭露、批評。

People's governments at various levels shall give support to consumer associations in the performance of their functions.

Article 33 Consumer organizations may not be engaged in commodity transactions or profit-making services, and may not recommend to the society commodities or services for the purpose of making profits.   第三十三條 消費者組織不得從事商品經營和營利性服務,不得以牟利為目的向社會推薦商品和服務。

Chapter VI Settlement of Disputes 

第六章 爭議的解決

Article 34 In case of disputes with business operators over consumer rights and interests, consumers may settle the disputes through the following approaches:   第三十四條 消費者和經營者發生消費者權益爭議的,可以通過下列途徑解決:

(1) to consult and conciliate with business operators; (一)與經營者協商和解;

(2) to request to consumer associations for mediation; (二)請求消費者協會調解;

(3) to appeal to relevant administrative departments; (三)向有關行政部門申訴;

(4) to apply to arbitral organs for arbitration according to the arbitral agreements with business operators; (四)根據與經營者達成的仲裁協議提請仲裁機構仲裁;

(5) to institute legal proceedings in the people's court. (五)向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 35 Consumers whose legitimate rights and interests are infinged upon in their purchasing or using commodities may demand compensation from the sellers concerned. In case the liability is on the manufacturers or other sellers who supply the commodities to the said sellers, the said sellers shall, after paying the compensations, have the right to recover the compensations from the manufacturers or the other sellers.   第三十五條 消費者在購買、使用商品時,其合法權益受到損害的,可以向銷售者要求賠償。銷售者賠償後,屬于生產者的責任或者屬于向銷售者提供商品的其他銷售者的責任的,銷售者有權向生產者或者其他銷售者追償。

Consumers or other victims suffering personal injuries or property damage resulting from defects of commodities may demand compensations either from the sellers or from the manufacturers. If the liability is on the manufacturers, the sellers shall, after paying the compensations, have the right to recover the compensations from the manufacturers; if the liability is on the sellers, the manufacturers shall, after paying the compensations, have the right to recover the compensations from the sellers.

Consumers whose legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon in receiving services may demand compensations from suppliers of the services.

Article 36 Consumers whose legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon in purchasing or using commodities or receiving services may, if the enterprises supplying the commodities or services have been split-up or merged, demand compensations from the enterprises succeeding to the rights and obligations of the original ones after the modifications.   第三十六條 消費者在購買、使用商品或者接受服務時,其合法權益受到損害,因原企業分立、合並的,可以向變更後承受其權利義務的企業要求賠償。

Article 37 In case a business operator unlawfully uses another's business license to supply commodities or services and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the consumers may demand compensations either from such business operator or from the holder of the business licence.   第三十七條 使用他人營業執照的違法經營者提供商品或者服務,損害消費者合法權益的,消費者可以向其要求賠償,也可以向營業執照的持有人要求賠償。

Article 38 Consumers whose legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon in purchasing commodities or receiving services at trade fairs or leased counters may demand compensations from the sellers or suppliers of the services. In case the fairs are over or the lease of counters expires, they may also demand compensations from organizers of the fairs or lessors of the counters. Organizers of the fairs and lessors of the counters shall, after paying the compensations, have the right to recover the compensations from the sellers or suppliers of the services.   第三十八條 消費者在展銷會、租賃櫃台購買商品或者接受服務,其合法權益受到損害的,可以向銷售者或者服務者要求賠償。展銷會結束或者櫃台租賃期滿後,也可以向展銷會的舉辦者、櫃台的出租者要求賠償。展銷會的舉辦者、櫃台的出租者賠償後,有權向銷售者或者服務者追償。

Article 39 Consumers whose legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon on account of commodities or services supplied by business operators by means of false advertisement may demand compensations from the business operators. Consumers may demand the competent administrative departments to punish the advertising agents who make false advertisements. Advertising agents who cannot provide the real names and addresses of the business operators shall bear the responsibility for compensations.   第三十九條 消費者因經營者利用虛假廣告提供商品或者服務,其合法權益受到損害的,可以向經營者要求賠償。廣告的經營者發布虛假廣告的,消費者可以請求行政主管部門予以懲處。廣告的經營者不得提供經營者的真實名稱、地址的,應當承擔賠償責任。

Chapter VII Legal Responsibility 

第七章 法律責任

Article 40 Business operators shall, if the commodities and services they supply involve any of the following circumstances, bear civil liability in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality and other relevant laws and regulations, except as otherwise provided in the present Law:   第四十條 經營者提供商品或者服務有下列情形之一的,除本法另有規定外,應當依照《中華人民共和國產品質量法》和其他有關法律、法規的規定,承擔民事責任:

(1) there existing defects in the commodities; (一)商品存在缺陷的;

(2) not possessing the properties for use they should possess and no declaration thereabout is made at the time of sale; (二)不具備商品應當具備的使用性能而出售時未作說明的;

(3) not conforming to the standards indicated on the commodities or on the packaging thereof; (三)不符合在商品或者其包裝上注明采用的商品標准的;

(4) not conforming to the quality indicated by the product description or by physical samples; (四)不符合商品說明、實物樣品等方式表明的質量狀況的;

(5) producing commodities that have been formally d by the State to be obsoleted or selling commodities that are no longer effective or deteriorated; (五)生產國家明令淘汰的商品或者銷售失效、變質的商品的;

(6) commodities sold being short of weight or quantity; (六)銷售的商品數量不足的;

(7) contents and costs of services being not in conformity with the agreements; (七)服務的內容和費用違反約定的;

(8) deliberately delaying or unreasonably refusing consumers' requests for repair, remanufacture,replacement, return of goods, makeup for the short commodity, return of payment for goods or services, or compensation for losses; (八)對消費者提出的修理、重作、更換、退貨、補足商品數量、退還貨款和服務費用或者賠償損失的要求,故意拖延或者無理拒絕的;

(9) other circumstances infringing upon consumer rights and interests as specified by laws and regulations. (九)法律、法規規定的其他損害消費者權益的情形。

Article 41 Business operators shall, if the commodities or services they supply have caused personal injuries to consumers or other victims, pay for the victims' medical expenses, nursing expenses during medical treatment, the reduced income for loss of working time and other expenses. And business operators shall, if the commodities or services they supply have disabled the consumers,also pay for the victims' expenses on self-help devices, living allowances, compensations for disability and the necessary living cost of the persons supported by the disabled. Business operators shall, if the case constitutes a crime, be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.   第四十一條 經營者提供商品或者服務,造成消費者或者其他受害人人身傷害的,應當支付醫療費、治療期間的護理費、因誤工減少的收入等費用,造成殘疾的,還應當支付殘疾者生活自助具費、生活補助費、殘疾賠償金以及由其扶養的人所必需的生活費等費用;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 42 Business operators shall, if the commodities or services they supply have caused death of consumers or other victims, pay for the victims' funeral expenses, compensations for death and the necessary living cost of the persons supported by the deceased during their lifetime.Business operators shall, if the case constitutes a crime, be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.   第四十二條 經營者提供商品或者服務,造成消費者或者其他受害人死亡的,應當支付喪葬費、死亡賠償金以及由死者生前扶養的人所必需的生活費等費用;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Article 43 Business operators who violate the provisions of Article 25 of the present Law and violate the human dignity or personal freedom of consumers shall stop the violations, restore consumers' reputation, eliminate the bad effects, make apologies, and make compensations therefor.   第四十三條 經營者違反本法第二十五條規定,侵害消費者的人格尊嚴或者侵犯消費者人身自由的,應當停止侵害、恢複名譽、消除影響、賠禮道歉,並賠償損失。

Article 44 Business operators shall, if the commodities or services they supply have caused damage to the properties of consumers, bear civil liabilities by repair, remanufacture, replacement, return of goods, make-up for the short commodity, return of payment for goods and services, or compensation for losses and so on as demanded by consumers. If consumers and business operators have otherwise agreed upon, such agreements shall be fulfilled.   第四十四條 經營者提供商品或者服務,造成消費者財產損害的,應當按照消費者的要求,以修理、重作、更換、退貨、補足商品數量、退還貨款和服務費用或者賠償損失等方式承擔民事責任。消費者與經營者另有約定的,按照約定履行。

Article 45 Business operators shall be responsible for repair, replacement or return of goods, if repair, replacement or return of goods is guaranteed by provisions of the State or agreed upon between business operators and consumers. Business operators shall be responsible for replacement or return of goods if the commodities still malfunction after being repaired twice within the term of guaranteed repair.   第四十五條 對國家規定或者經營者與消費者約定包修、包換、包退的商品,經營者應當負責修理、更換或者退貨。在保修期內兩次修理仍不能正常使用的,經營者應當負責更換或者退貨。

As to large-sized commodities guaranteed for repair, replacement or return, business operators shall bear the reasonable costs such as expenses for carriage if consumers demand repair, replacement or return.

Article 46 Business operators who supply commodities by mail-order shall provide their commodities according to the agreements. Business operators who fail to provide their commodities according to the agreements shall fulfil the agreements or return the consumers' payment for the commodities on the demand of the consumers, and bear the reasonable expenses that the consumers must bear.   第四十六條 經營者以郵購方式提供商品的,應當按照約定提供。未按照約定提供的,應當按照消費者的要求履行約定或者退回貨款;並應當承擔消費者必須支付的合理費用。

Article 47 Business operators who supply commodities or services in the form of advance payment shall provide their commodities or services according to the agreements. Business operators who fail to provide their commodities or services according to the agreements shall fulfil the agreements or return the advance payment on the demand of the consumers, and shall also bear the interests of the advance payment and other necessary expenses that the consumers must bear.   第四十七條 經營者以預收款方式提供商品或者服務的,應當按照約定提供。未按照約定提供的,應當按照消費者的要求履行約定或者退回預付款;並應當承擔預付款的利息、消費者必須支付的合理費用。

Article 48 Business operators shall, on the demand of the consumers, be responsible for return of goods determined to be substandard commodities by administrative departments concerned according to law.   第四十八條 依法經有關行政部門認定為不合格的商品,消費者要求退貨的,經營者應當負責退貨。

Article 49 Business operators engaged in fraudulent activities in supplying commodities or services shall, on the demand of the consumers, increase the compensations for victims' losses; the increased amount of the compensations shall be two times the costs that the consumers paid for the commodities purchased or services received.   第四十九條 經營者提供商品或者服務有欺詐行為的,應當按照消費者的要求增加賠償其受到的損失,增加賠償的金額為消費者購買商品的價款或者接受服務的費用的一倍。

Article 50 If business operators are under any of the following circumstances and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality and other laws and regulations have provided for punitive organs and forms therefor, the provisions of the laws or regulations shall be applied;in absence of such provisions in the laws or regulations, administrative departments for industry and commerce shall order them to make corrections, and may, in light of the circumstances, punish the offenders exclusively or concurrently the offenders with warning, confiscation of unlawful earings, or imposition of a fine no less than one time but not more than five times the value of the unlawful earnings; in case there involves no unlawful earnings, the offenders shall be punished with a fine of 10,000 Yuan or less, and if the circumstances are serious, they shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification, and their business licences shall be revoked:   第五十條 經營者有下列情形之一,《中華人民共和國產品質量法》和其他有關法律、法規對處罰機關和處罰方式有規定的,依照法律、法規的規定執行;法律、法規未作規定的,由工商行政管理部門責令改正,可以根據情節單處或者並處警告、沒收違法所得、處以違法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罰款,沒有違法所得的處以一萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,責令停業整頓、吊銷營業執照:

(1) producing or selling commodities failing to meet the requirements for the protection of personal and property safety; (一)生產、銷售的商品不符合保障人身、財產安全要求的;

(2) mixing adulterations into their commodities, or passing fake commodities off as genuine ones,or passing defective commodities off as good ones, or passing substandard commodities off as standard ones; (二)在商品中摻雜、摻假,以假充真,以次充好,或者以不合格商品冒充合格商品的;

(3) producing commodities which have been formally d by the State to be obsolete, or selling commodities no longer effective or deteriorated; (三)生產國家明令淘汰的商品或者銷售失效、變質的商品的;

(4) forging the origin of commodities, forging or counterfeiting the names and addresses of other factories, and forging or counterfeiting the authentication marks or famous-and-excellent-product marks; (四)偽造商品的產地,偽造或者冒用他人的廠名、廠址,偽造或者冒用認證標志、名優標志等質量標志的;

(5) selling commodities not inspected or quarantined against the requirement therefore, or forging the result of inspection or quarantine; (五)銷售的商品應當檢驗、檢疫而未檢驗、檢疫或者偽造檢驗、檢疫結果的;

(6) making false or misleading propaganda about their commodities or services; (六)對商品或者服務作引人誤解的虛假宣傳的;

(7) deliberately delaying or unreasonably refusing consumers' demand for repair, remanufacture,replacement, return of goods, make-up for the short commodity, refundment of payment for goods or services, or compensations for losses; (七)對消費者提出的修理、重作、更換、退貨、補足商品數量、退還貨款和服務費用或者賠償損失的要求,故意拖延或者無理拒絕的;

(8) violating human dignity or personal freedom of consumers; (八)侵害消費者人格尊嚴或者侵犯消費者人身自由的;

(9) other circumstances wherein punishment shall be given for infringement of consumer rights and interests as stipulated by laws or regulation.. (九)法律、法規規定的對損害消費者權益應當予以處罰的其他情形。

Article 51 Any business operator who is not satisfied with the decision on punishment may apply to the organ at the next higher level for reconsideration within 15 days from the date of receipt of the decision; and he who is still not satisfied with the reconsideration decision may bring a lawsuit in the people's court within 15 days from the date of receipt of the reconsideration decision; or he may take legal proceedings directly in the people's court.   第五十一條 經營者對行政處罰決定不服的,可以自收到處罰決定之日起十五日內向上一級機關申請複議,對複議決定不服的,可以自收到複議決定書之日起十五日內向人民法院提起訴訟;也可以直接向人民法院提起訴訟。

Article 52 Anyone who, by means of violence or threats, hinders functionaries of the administrative departments concerned from performing their duties according to law, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; and those who refuse or hinder functionaries of the administrative departments concerned from performing their duties according to law, without resorting to violence or threats, shall be punished by public security organs in accordance with the stipulations of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administrative Penalties for Public Security.   第五十二條 以暴力、威脅等方法阻礙有關行政部門工作人員依法執行職務的,依法追究刑事責任;拒絕、阻礙有關行政部門工作人員依法執行職務,未使用暴力、威脅方法的,由公安機關依照《中華人民共和國治安管理處罰條例》的規定處罰。

Article 53 Any functionary of the State organs, who neglects his duties or shields any business operator guilty of infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, shall be given administrative sanctions by the unit he belongs to, or by an organ at a higher level; if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.   第五十三條 國家機關工作人員玩忽職守或者包庇經營者侵害消費者合法權益的行為的,由其所在單位或者上級機關給予行政處分;情節嚴重,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 

第八章 附則

Article 54 The present Law shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to peasants' purchase or application of means of production used directly in agricultural production.   第五十四條 農民購買、使用直接用于農業生產的生產資料,參照本法執行。

Article 55 The present Law shall enter into force as of January 1,1994.   第五十五條 本法自1994年1月1日起施行。
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